Have you considered chiropractic care during pregnancy? Although it is commonly overlooked as a part of prenatal and pregnancy care, Chiropractic care can be the answer to many issues developed during this potentially stressful time! Our team at Precision Chiropractic & Wellness is proudly serving the families of Flora and Logansport (and the surrounding counties) with their prenatal and pregnancy needs helping to make it the healthiest pregnancy possible!

The physical stress alone during pregnancy often leads to a great deal of discomfort, often creating different types of spine and joint pain. The American Pregnancy Association has found that 50-70% (7 out of 10) of pregnant women will experience low back pain at some point during their pregnancy. This pain often generally peaks around the third trimester due to the baby gaining the most weight during this time.

During the entire pregnancy, a woman’s body will undergo many changes to accommodate the healthy development and growth of the baby. Due to these changes and the additional weight of the baby, a mother’s center of gravity moves from its natural position, shifting into the front of her pelvis. This shift often adds a great deal of stress onto the spine and creates discomfort into the low back, pelvis, tailbone, groin, and hips!


In preparation of your baby’s birth, many changes occur in the mother’s body. As the baby grows, the mother will gain more weight herself, adding to the stress of the low back and increasing the curvature of the low back (Lumbar Spine). Changing this curve results in a disruption of balance that many pregnant woman experience. This imbalance of weight often times is redistributed to the pelvis putting pressure on the hips. If you already suffered from a history of low back problems before pregnancy, there is an increased chance that your pregnancy will aggravate this! No matter if the back pain is new with the pregnancy or you experienced it prior, these changes can lead to difficulty performing your daily routines such as working or exercising. The largest concern is it can create complications during your labor!

Any increase in stress on the low back can also create many more additional health problems that branch away from back pain. Issues such as leg cramps, abdominal cramping, heart burn, constipation, other digestive issues and more have been reported. If you have any questions and would like to learn more about how chiropractic can help, schedule a consultation with PCW with a phone call!


Here at PCW, we can provide personalized care BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER your pregnancy! The sooner you begin care, the more we can assist you throughout your pregnancies and the resulting changes! With our trained staff and our Gonstead Advantage, we can help alleviate and even prevent common pains and problems associated with pregnancy. All of this will give you and your baby an improved change of a straight-forward, safe birth!


There is a great deal of experience and training necessary to find the cause of the unique issues that many pregnant women develop and our team at Precision Chiropractic & Wellness is here to help!

With a proven track record the Gonstead System helps pregnant moms have a better pregnancy experience and easier delivery versus those who do not seek regular chiropractic care. Studies have also shown that chiropractic treatments have resulted in a reduction of labor time and that most pregnant women can avoid pain medication during their pregnancy as well.

Do not hesitate to seek care with PCW as a beneficial part in you and your baby’s health! We are here to provide you individualized and safe care for you during this unique time of need. Our educated and trained staff is here to answer your questions, please call today to take steps forward to a happier, healthier pregnancy experience!


The benefits offered by our services do not end postpartum; we have just started a new journey! Recovering after the birth process presents an entirely different and new sets of challenges! We often see new mothers experiencing neck and back pain, caused by holding, nursing, and caring for their precious bundle of joy! Our postnatal care addresses the new challenges you experience during this portion of your journey. The sooner you begin care in the Prenatal Phase, if you maintain your care during your pregnancy, the easier recovery and healing is in your Post-Natal Care! Find out more about postnatal chiropractic by contacting our office, today!

Preparing to have a baby?

Are you pregnant right now?

Did you just give birth?

No matter where you are at, Discover the Gonstead Advantage for your health and your child’s!