

Have you ever considered the benefits that chiropractic care can do for your child? Chiropractic care can offer unparalleled benefits and Precision Chiropractic & Wellness, located in Flora and Logansport, prides ourselves at ensuring every single child we care for has a properly functioning nervous system allowing them a healthy development!

Although children may appear to “bounce back” from most of their tumbles, falls and injuries, many parents do not understand the long-term effects of misalignments that children develop in their spines from these experiences. An injury during childhood may not bother you tomorrow, in a week, or even in a year but eventually the body will no longer be able to adapt to that injury and by that time permanent damage could have already developed. Unfortunately, our children are not great communicators. They do not or are not capable of verbalizing exactly what they are feeling when they are sore, uncomfortable or in pain. For this very reason preventative checks are a part of PCW care.

Just like us adults, if these underlying causes are left alone for too long, they can develop into much more serious issues that are harder to address…or impossible too.


PCW’s true passion is for taking care of our youngest generations and educating them on how to live a healthier lifestyle!

Because the birthing process can be traumatic or strenuous on their delicate spines, we often see children days or even hours after they are born. Since a child’s body is always growing and therefore under a lot of stress, some misalignments can occur while a child develops and learns new skills like walking. It is said the average child takes 5,000 falls by the age of 5! During pregnancy babies are curled up inside their mother (fetal position) and then stretched and pulled during the birthing process. This force, while necessary for delivery and to keep the mother safe, can create imbalances and misalignments in their spine and extremities.

There are many different conditions that occur as a result from birth strains, these injuries may start of small at first but over time they start interfering with the child’s nervous system. A functional nervous system is absolutely crucial to having maximum health.

If your baby was born in breech position, they may have experienced interventions such as forceps and suction, or born through a necessary C-section. We highly recommend to have your baby checked as soon as possible after they are medically cleared to go home. When these types of deliveries occur, they are known to cause a greater amount of stress on their spines than a natural or canal type birth.



Though we see many more symptoms in our youth besides what is listed below, we see most commonly in our community children who are suffering from:

  • Allergies

  • Asthma

  • Bed-wetting

  • Breathing Issues

  • Cranial Defects – Parents wanting their child to avoid a helmet.

  • Chronic Bronchitis

  • Colic

  • Constipation

  • Crawling Issues

  • Ear infections

  • Headaches

  • Head Banging

  • Immune Challenges

  • Insomnia

  • Sensory Processing Disorders

  • Sports Injuries

  • Walking on Toes

  • Vomiting

Certain health issues can be traced all the way back to the birth process and misalignments in the spine. By checking your child’s spine, we can detect and correct potential problems early in their lives. When addressed earlier in your child’s life, they have a greater chance to develop optimally and recover more quickly!


There is a great deal of experience and training necessary to address issues that are unique to women during pregnancy and our team at Precision Chiropractic & Wellness is ready to help! Dr. Holda has had advanced training in pediatrics beyond the standard curriculum in school.

The Gonstead System of Chiropractic has a proven track record in providing necessary results for pregnant moms to have a better pregnancy experience and easier delivery than those who do not seek regular chiropractic care. Studies have also shown that chiropractic treatments have resulted in a reduction of labor time and that many pregnant women can avoid pain medication during their pregnancy. Clinically, we have observed when the hips, tailbone, and lower back are in good alignment less tension and strain is experienced during the birthing process. Making a potentially stressful time on both the mother and the child’s body a positive one.

At PCW, we believe Gonstead Chiropractic can be a life changing benefit for you and your baby’s health! We are here to provide you individualized and safe care every step of the way during the unique changes your body will go through as your pregnancy develops. If you are unsure if you would benefit from our services our educated and trained staff is here to answer all of your questions, please call today to take steps towards a happier, healthier pregnancy experience!


Chiropractic care can benefit your child’s development! After birth, your child’s first challenge is developing the ability to roll over, then crawl, and eventually walking. There are many signs of a child who is experiencing the side effects of subluxation but some of the more common ones include, crying when they exclusively lay on their tummy or back, nursing only one side, colicky crying, flat spot on their head, constipation, lopsided crawling (sticking one leg out), problems feeding, and sleep issues, just to name a few. As they crawl and begin to walk, they are placing a significant amount of strain on the bones, ligaments, and muscles of the pelvis and spine, and PCW wants to be there every step of the way, no pun intended, to support them during this crucial time of development.

They say we take 5,000 falls by the age of 5, many of which are focused onto the tailbone (the sacrum). Because of all these little falls while learning to stand and walk, it is the most malformed bone in the human body. The sacrum is the foundation of our entire body, it connects and transfers forces between the legs and the torso, a problem with it can potentially create health issues in the future! At PCW we believe a structure is only as strong as its foundation, it is our mission to make sure your child’s foundation is as strong as possible!

As our children grow up, they may participate in sports, but also many other activities such as carrying heavy backpacks to school and sitting in poorly designed desks. In todays world, electronics such as tablets, cell phones, and gaming devices are introduced at younger ages. Bad postures may begin to develop as the use of electronics increases. This creates poor curvatures of the spine that may not be addressed by correcting postures alone.

Children are also exposed to greater levels of mental stress as they move into school ages. Also, chemical stress is found in the type of food they eat and environmental factors we are exposed to today. When our kids become teenagers and transition into young adults, they will join the workforce placing additional stress onto known and unknown childhood issues that they have developed.


As a parent, it is up to us to ensure that all the falls, stress, injuries, and physical demands of their childhood does not stop them from being healthy kids! Chiropractic care is about protecting your body from life stressors while maintaining 100% functionality. Our team’s advanced training with the Gonstead System of Chiropractic, allows us a non-intrusive exam process that your child will enjoy at each developmental stage.

If you have any questions or concerns about your children and how Precision Chiropractic & Wellness could help, call today for a complimentary consultation, and let us help your loved ones on their way to living a better life!

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